Is Broad Band Light therapy for you?

Elevated Dermatology has partnered with Sciton to offer the best IPL treatment available. If you’ve been looking for an effective way to counteract aging in the skin, you may have heard about BBL. Broad Band Light (BBL) treatments are a type of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and are a popular choice to help diminish fine lines, effectively treat brown spots, reduce redness and enhance skin texture.

What the Procedure Involves

The BBL procedure is relatively simple and painless. Visible light and heat are used to target deep tissues and stimulate collagen that is present below the skin. By converting visible light to heat, BBL can act on the collagen and catalyze the body’s natural healing process. This helps create a decrease in visible fine lines and curb the presence of age spots.

Because of the simplicity and convenience of the treatment, downtime is kept to a minimum and patients can experience results relatively quickly. However, individual experiences will vary, and some discomfort may occur.

Administered by our experienced professionals, BBL offers a tailored approach to skincare, addressing specific concerns like fine lines, redness, and brown spots.


Elevate the Health of Your Skin, Nails, and More With Elevated Dermatology Today!

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