The Importance of Choosing a Board-Certified Dermatologist for Acne Treatment

Acne is quite possibly the most common skin disorder in the United States. According to experts, about 20% of all cases of acne are considered to be severe and may require professional assistance.

If you want to make sure your acne goes away without the need for painful, difficult or time-consuming treatments, your best choice is the support of a professional, board-certified dermatologist. They can provide you with the right topical treatments and medication, while keeping track of your specific needs and the progression of your treatment.

A Few Words About Acne

Acne is known to affect more than 85% of people at some point in their lives, whether during their teenage years or during adulthood. The prevalence of acne is well-known, as are its possible causes, which can stem from genetic or hormonal factors, as well as inflammation, oily skin, the use of various types of medication, or environmental factors such as pollution and excess humidity.

Adults can fall victim to acne just as well as teenagers, with female hormonal acne being considered as one of the most problematic to treat. Overall, there are three types of acne going from the mildest form (comedonal acne) to the moderately severe inflammatory acne, and up to cystic acne, which is the most severe and painful type.

Why Choose a Professional Dermatologist

When it comes to treating acne, dermatologist support is very important. A board-certified professional can tell you the cause of your acne, recommend the correct treatment, and ensure that your acne will not easily return.

A dermatologist will have the right knowledge and experience to diagnose your acne precisely, by looking at your breakouts and using their advance expertise to determine the type of acne you suffer from, the need for a specific type of intervention, and the possible treatments that might work.

They will instead provide you with the ideal treatment for your specific case, whether that might entail the use of medicine like benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid or a retinoid, or a more potent treatment such as a corticosteroid injection or advanced laser treatment.  For a professional dermatologist look to

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